Features & Benefits
No More Nails is a nail-free general purpose construction adhesive with high initial grab and high bond strength.
- Nail free general construction adhesive
- High bond strength
- Excellent adhesion and sealing properties
- Excellent green strength
- Good temperature resistance
- Chemical resistant
- Good slump resistance
- Bonds a variety of construction and building materials
- Ideal for interior and exterior applications
- Easy to use and cost effective
Documents & Resources
Bostik DIY Philippines Bond - No More Nails Technical Data Sheet (1.55 MB)
Bostik DIY Philippines Bond - No More Nails Safety Data Sheet (143.58 KB)
What are the recommended uses of No More Nails?
- As a contact adhesive for installation of wall and floor panels
- Most bonding applications where high strength, gap filling, one component adhesive is required
- Timber, metal, cementitious and plaster sheets to timber or metal studs
- Installation of battens or other fixings to brick, masonry or concrete walls
- General-purpose construction adhesive
- Suitable to use on foamed polystyrene
- Ideal for mirror backed tiles
What are the safety tips when using No More Nails?
- If working in an area with poor ventilation or in a confined area, we recommend a mask be worn.
- Avoid contact with skin, eyes and avoid breathing in vapour.
- If swallowed contact doctor. If skin contact occurs, wipe off excess and remove contaminated clothing. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water.
What is the working time (initial contact) of No More Nails?
5-10 minutes depending on the temperature
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