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185 new results
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How do I clean wax based products from furniture?

Clean with warm soapy water or wet wipes.
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How do I store super glue?

We recommend storing in a refrigerator to lengthen the shelf life. Refrigerated packaging should be allowed to return to room temperature prior to use.
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How do I remove glue from my fingers?

Rinse your fingers immediately with plenty of warm soapy water and do not pull on the skin that has been glued. If glue remains after using warm soapy water, it will often de-bond within a couple of…
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Please call our Sticky Questions toll free helpline during office hours on 0800 222 400, or send an email
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How do I clean my applicator tools?

Wet and dried adhesive on applicator tools can be cleaned with acetone, thinners or parrafin. Please refer to the Technical Data Sheet of the specific product for more information.
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How do I remove cured silicone?

Cured sealant must be removed mechanically with a sharp knife or chemically with Bostik Silicone Stripper. Always test on a small surface first.
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How do I remove uncured silicone?

Uncured silicone can be removed from the hands or tools using a clean solvent soaked cloth, e.g. turpentine or paraffin. If removing uncured silicone from clothing, check fabric colour fastness…
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Can I use alcohol to clean silicone?

No. Alcohol based cleaners should not be used for cleaning surfaces as alcohol inhibits the cure of silicones. Soaps or detergents used to clean the surface must be rinsed away thoroughly with clean…
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Our business is about much more than sticking things together. For over a century, we have developed smart solutions that touch and improve people’s daily lives.
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For more than a century, manufacturers around the globe have turned to Bostik for innovative bonding and sealing solutions. As a world leader in the manufacture and supply of specialty adhesives and…

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