Sheepishly fun craft idea for small kids

This craft project is a lot of fun and perfect for doing with young children. It's simple to do and you can choose any colours of cotton you prefer.


STEP 1: Draw or print out your sheep

Print our template or draw a sheep outline.

STEP 2: Apply Glue

Use Bostik Art & Craft White Glue to add blobs of glue to the sheep's body where you want to stick down your cotton balls. Apply enough glue for the cotton to stick.

STEP 3: Add White Cotton Balls

Once you have applied the glue blobs, stick down the white cotton balls. Make sure to spread them out to make room for the colored cotton balls.

STEP 4: Decorate Sheep

Decorate your sheep with the rest of the coloured cotton balls. You can also decorate your sheep with Wax Twisters before gluing the cotton balls to add more colour.

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