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Design the car of your dreams with our range of glues and easy to use template

Step 1: Print template

Print the template and find a clean surface to work on. Make sure you have everything you need.

Step 2: Colour in car

Use the Blu Stik to glue the template to the backing card. Start by colouring in the car with the coloured markers. Then decorate with Glitter Glue. Leave to dry.

Step 3: Cut out car

Ask a parent to cut out the car with the craft knife and metal ruler. They must cut the outside line only, including the tabs. All the small dashed lines then need scoring with the back (blunt side) of the craft knife. Make sure they are careful not to cut themselves!


If you don’t have a knife use some scissors. No cutting mat, just use a chopping board.

Step 4: Fold

Once cut out crease the folds that have been scored.

Step 5: Glue

Lay the car on one side and apply glue to the front end of the car (see example on template). Stick the tabs down and hold until glue holds. Repeat with the back of the car. Turn the car over and repeat, gluing down the front, then back of the car.

Step 6: Finished
