Valentine's day animals

Celebrate Valentine's Day with kids by making adorable animal Valentines! We have 2 fun animals to choose from: A koala and a panda! These cute paper Valentine's Day animal crafts are super easy for kids to make!


Koala Bear

STEP 1: Print & Colour

Print out the template on the white and grey paper as indicated. Colour in your shapes using Bostik Wax Twisters.

STEP 2: Cut

Cut out all the shapes.

STEP 3: Glue

Glue the eyes to the face and face to the body of the koala.

STEP 4: Add your hearts

Start with your biggest size heart. Fold it in half and use your Bostik Tri Stick to glue only the fold line onto the bear. Repeat this action from biggest to smallest heart, gluing onto the fold line to ensure the hearts create a fan effect.

STEP 5: Finishing touches

Glue the ears to the back of the head and use your scissors to make small incisions into the ears.

Panda Bear

STEP 1: Colour

Colour in the panda's nose, paws and eyes using Bostik Wax Twisters. Draw his mouth onto his face.

STEP 2: Cut

Cut out all the shapes on the panda template

STEP 3: Glue

Glue the paws onto the body of the panda.

STEP 4: Add your hearts

Start with your biggest size heart. Fold it in half and use your Bostik Tri Stick to glue only the fold line onto the panda. Repeat this action from biggest to smallest heart, gluing onto the fold line to ensure the hearts create a fan effect.

STEP 5: Finishing touches

Glue the ears to the back of the head and there you have your beautiful Valentines animals!

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