A high quality brush grade multi-purpose Polychloroprene based contact adhesive.
Translucent yellow
Features & benefits
Bostik Super Contact is formulated with fast crystallizing rubbers to provide high immediate bond strength with good water and heat resistance. Ideal as a general purpose DIY adhesive for the home where it can be used for handicrafts, shoe repair, bonding leather, decorative work, and other applications where an instant bond is required. It is extensively used in the furniture and construction industry to bond formica to chipboard, MDF and other processed boards.
Bonds to wood, processed boards (e.g. hardboard, supawood, chipboard, high pressure laminates, masonite, plywood), formica, veneers, floor coverings, foam, canvas, textiles, leather, felt, cloth, concrete, linoleum, glass, metal, rubber, cork and some plastics.
Not recommended for use as a structural adhesive. Not suitable for expanded polystyrene, flexible PVC, and rayon and acetate fabrics. Will not bond polyethylene, polypropylene and Teflon. Not suitable for repair of items that hold hot liquids or where heat resistance above 70°C is required.
Downloads & resources
Bostik DIY South Africa Repair - Super Contact Technical Data Sheet (118.68 KB)
Bostik DIY South Africa Repair - Super Contact Safety Data Sheet (186.34 KB)
How to use
- Surfaces must be clean, dry and free from all loose materials, dust, dirt, oil, rust and any other contaminants. Non-porous substrates such as metals, glass and plastics should be degreased with a solvent. Hard plastics should be lightly abraded with emery paper.
- For best results, ensure that temperature of the surfaces to be bonded is above 18°C.
- Apply adhesive to both surfaces evenly with a fine serrated trowel or a stiff brush.
- Allow both surfaces to dry (approximately 5 to 10 minutes under normal room temperature conditions). The adhesive should take on a uniform glossy appearance when it is dry. There should be no transfer of adhesive to the back of a finger when touched).
- After the surfaces are touch dry, they must be brought together before the open time or tack life is exceeded. This is the time within which a satisfactory bond can be formed under contact pressure, and is approximately 20 minutes under ambient conditions.
- Ensure that the surfaces are accurately aligned before bonding, since no adjustment is possible after the adhesive films have made contact.
- Apply a firm pressure to the whole surface for a few seconds to create an instantaneous bond.
- Full strength is achieved after 24 hours, however, bonded assemblies can be machined or trimmed immediately after bonding.
Are adhesives flammable?
Most solvent based adhesives are flammable. Always work in a ventilated area and do not breathe in vapours. Avoid exposing the product to any ignition sources. Do not smoke when working with adhesives.
How do I clean my applicator tools?
Wet and dried adhesive on applicator tools can be cleaned with acetone, thinners or parrafin. Please refer to the Technical Data Sheet of the specific product for more information.
Which adhesive is the right one for my application?
Please visit to find the correct adhesive for your application. Alternatively call our Sticky Questions Helpline during office hours on 0800 222 400.
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