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13 new results
Bostik DIY news lasting bond toycon and ACX teaser image

Blu-Tack and Glu Dots Create Lasting Bonds at ToyCon 20 and ACX

Bostik’s Blu-Tack and Glu Dots recently joined two major pop culture events—TOYCON PH and Anime and Cosplay Expo. These two events saw the gathering of toy enthusiasts, anime fans, and cosplayers.
Bostik DIY Philippines news Bulilit Pack 640x480

Bostik Bulilit Packs – your perfect small-repair solutions

Bostik Philippines has launched its industry-leading products Fixall tile adhesive and Ultrafino skimcoat in 5 kg and 2 kg packs.
Bostik DIY Philippines how to repair hard plastic teaser image

How to repair hard plastic with glue

When you’re faced with a hard plastic object that is broken, it’s time to think ‘don’t bin it, fix it!’. Here’s how to experience the satisfaction of becoming a #repairhero…