Features & Benefits
Bostik Blu Stik is a solvent free, non-toxic, easy to apply and use general purpose adhesive for the classroom and home. Bostik Blu Stik goes on blue and dries clear so you know where you have applied the glue, meaning less mess and less wastage on your art & craft projects.
- Blu Stik is a non-toxic, non-harmful adhesive and is safe for the whole family to use
- Solvent free, which is kinder to the environment
- Because it’s acid free, it doesn’t yellow or corrode the materials you a gluing
- Non wrinkle formula
- It’s free from food ingredients such as wheat, gluten, flour, eggs or nut products. It does contain corn starch. Repeated or prolonged contact may cause an allergic reaction in some susceptible persons.
- Tested in accordance to AS/NZS ISO 8124:2012 (Safety of Toys - Part 3: Migration of certain elements)
Downloads & Resources
Bostik DIY New Zealand Create - Blu Stik Technical Data Sheet (277.62 KB)
Bostik DIY New Zealand Create - Blu Stik Safety Data Sheet (674.14 KB)
How To Use
Bostik Blu Stik can be used to for scrapbooking, cut and paste activities, paper craft, invitations, art and craft projects and dry mounting photography.
- Ensure that surfaces are clean and dry
- Remove cap, turn base until glue protrudes
- Glue one surface and press firmly together
- When finished, turn base to retract glue
- Recap after use to prevent glue from drying out
TIP: If you forget to put the cap on and the glue dries out, don't worry! Just put the stick into warm water for a few minutes. You can use it again and there's no waste!

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