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Whether it's a dog, cat, or mouse, make this PAW-some animal game from an old cardboard box and Bostik glue.
Using Blu Stik and Glu Tape to make these cute Binoculars
Gather some balloons and Blu Tack, and help your little monsters make little monsters of their own!
Grab some toilet/paper towel roll, coloured carboard, and Glu/Blu/Green Stik and hop to it!
3... 2... 1... Blast off with our Rocket craft!
Recycle an old bottle to make your own plane, using Blu Tack Colour, Glu Tape, and Glitter Glue!
Make your own carrot-shaped Easter egg basket, perfect for choccie egg collecting!
How do dinosaurs pay their bills? With Tyrannosaurus checks! Help little ones learn the value of saving with our Dinosaur Piggy Bank project.
A party's not a party without some bunting!