How to store and sort glues at home
Tired of having to buy new tubes of glue when the old ones are dried out? Bostik explains how to keep them for as long as possible.
How to understand hazardous signs on your glue packaging
We understand it can be overwhelming understanding warning labels on glue products. Here we explain the most commonly used symbols and what they mean.
Everything you need to know: Glu Dots
Discover everything you need to know about Bostik Glu Dots including what are glue dots, how to use glue dots and the different types available.
How to repair a stemmed glass with glue
Discover how to repair a stemmed glass with glue and become a repair hero – Bostik’s simple step by step guide and Super Glue Liquid hacks
How to remove Blu Tack® from carpet
Discover how to remove Blu Tack® from carpet, with Bostik’s simple step-by-step guide
How to remove super glue from furniture?
Discover our ways to remove glue from wood.
How to remove super glue from clothes
Super glue is the hero of small repair jobs, but if you accidentally get it on your clothes or other fabrics, it can be hard to remove. Just follow our step-by-step guide to remove super glue from cl…
How to remove super glue from skin
Discover how to remove super glue from skin with our simple step-by-step guide
How to use a hot glue gun: our step-by-step guide
Become a Hot Glue Gun pro with our how-to-use tips and hacks
Back to school with Bostik
January school holidays are all fun and games until you remember – they have to go back to school!