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How to

Our how-to articles are perfect for DIY projects, whatever your creativity level may be. Each article provides clear and manageable steps, with photos and expert tops. You can easily transform your h…
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Where is best place to store Blu Tack®?

Pop it in a tightly closed container in a dry, cool and well-ventilated location.
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News, events & blogs

Catch the latest news and updates about Bostik products. This section offers the latest product developments, events, and launches that would inspire your future DIY projects. You can also check out …
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Can you buy Blu Tack® in different colours?

Blu Tack® is also available in a 5 colour pack - pink, green, blue, yellow & orange. It is also available in its original color of blue.
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What age range is Blu Tack® suitable for?

Blu Tack® is great for both children and adults, however we advise not giving it to children under the age of three.
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What surfaces can Blu Tack® stick to?

Blu Tack® can be used on non-porous surfaces such as glass, metal and plastic, as well as painted surfaces and vinyl coated wallpaper.
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How much weight can Blu Tack® hold?

0.5 grams of Blu Tack® will hold an approximate 105 gram load, but Blu Tack® is not designed to hold heavy objects.
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Is swallowing Blu Tack® dangerous?

Blu Tack® is a non-toxic, non-harmful substance and will not cause any problems if swallowed, only mild discomfort. If any discomfort experienced continues, we recommend seeking medical advice.
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When will Blu Tack® stick best?

Surfaces must be clean and dry, and free from grease or loose materials to work best. If a room or surface conditions are too hot (over 70°C), Blu Tack® will soften and become more difficult to…
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Will Blu Tack® leave a stain?

On some surfaces, after a long period of time, Blu Tack® can leave a slight oily mark. This can be removed using removers like citrus oils and desolvers, but as per the guidance of the suppliers…