Bostik frog
Grab some toilet/paper towel roll, coloured carboard, and Glu/Green Stik and hop to it!
Blu Tack monsters
Use Blu Tack Colour to create monsters of all different shapes and sizes, and Blu Stik and templates to give them faces
Best Mum ribbon
Award Mum as the best ever for Mother's Day (or any day!)
Blu Tack calculator
Learn about addition and multiplication using Blu Tack Calculator numbers to add and multiply
DIY Christmas knick knack box
Create a bespoke Christmas Knick Knack Box with Bostik HG3 Hot Melt Glue Gun and Bostik Eco Stik!
Easter cup bunnies
Get ready for Easter with these super cute Easter Cup Bunnies!
Finger balance challenge
Combine engineering and balance to see how high you can go in our Finger Balance Challenge
How to do decorations with Blu Tack
Let us inspire you with quick and effective decorations made with Blue Tack ®!
How to repair a stemmed glass with glue
Discover how to repair a stemmed glass with glue and become a repair hero – Bostik’s simple step by step guide and Super Glue Liquid hacks
How to remove super glue from furniture?
Discover our ways to remove glue from wood.