Five bostik stationery products to help you breeze through exams

Preparation and planning for exams involve a lot more than following a study timetable, eating well, exercising, and studying hard. It also involves being well equipped with what you will require when studying and what you will need to take with you to the exam venue.
While exam time is stressful enough, finding that you don’t have what you need while writing the exam is an additional mammoth stress that can well be avoided.
Never underestimate the value of your stationery kit. Without it, you will find yourself in a sticky situation.
These are the five products that will help you breeze through exams.
What makes Prestik such a useful product and how you can use it throughout your study preparation.
Because it is an adhesive putty, it can be used repeatedly. When you compile your study timetable, it’s so much easier, quicker and safer to stick it on your wall in full sight above your desk. Sticky tape removes paint. Drawing pins may fall out and you can stand on them. They are dangerous for your beloved Fido who will undoubtedly be snuggling up to you when you study. Because it’s reusable, it’s extremely costs effective.
You may choose to make mind maps or highlight key words or even mnemonics and stick them on your wall.
Prestik is such a great practical and clean product.
Bostik Prestik sticks extremely well to non-porous surfaces such as metal, glass, plastics, vinyl coated and painted surfaces. Also sticks well to porous surfaces such as paper, boards, cloth and wood.
It is easily accessible from all stationers as well as most supermarkets.

Let’s highlight how you can use Neon Twisters for your exam preparation.
These new generation gel-based highlighters are a must to have when studying. Every student has them in their stationery kits. Because they are bright, they literally do the job that they promise to do – they highlight, in neon! Highlighting key words when studying makes revision so much easier.
The colour choices are fun – they come in neon green, pink, yellow and orange.
You can use them safely as they are non-toxic and as an additional bonus, they don’t dry out or bleed through like the traditional ones that were ink based. They are odourless and acid free which makes them safe, but don’t let them get into the hands of your toddler siblings under three!
You may highlight study blocks of subjects to be learnt on your study plan. Best of all, you can cross out the exams when you have completed them. This is something that no student can do without. Our brains are attracted to colour. Highlight dates and times of exams so that you get there on time. This wonderful little gem in your stationery kit will become one of your best friends. Once you work out a method that works best for you, you can colour code common links. This will make revision prior to your exams a breeze.
As they come in a pack with all the colours, you don’t even need to buy them separately which is more cost effective.
Stick to innovative ideas when studying for exams.
Bostik has thought of everything to help you through the stressful time of exams.
The Glu Dots are circles of clear removable glue that stick to almost anything. You may stick them on paper, wood, plastic, metal, glass and painted surfaces. They even stick to metal, paper boards and vinyl coated surfaces.
For extra strength and permanency, they are also available for such applications.
They are so easy to use but make sure that the surface isn’t damp or dusty, or that whatever you are wanting to hold up isn’t heavy. Avoid using them on delicate papers as they may get damaged on removal.
How you can use this throughout exam time is that you may want to leave quick notes all over the house to reinforce and remind yourself of salient points. If mom doesn’t mind little TO DO NOTES and NOTES TO SELF, you may want to stick reminders of keywords highlighted by your neon twisters of what you may be afraid you will forget. The fridge is ideal as we all know how much we get the munchies during exam time.
You may want to stick papers together in bundles of what you plan to study or have studied so far.
Leave a note for mom on the bathroom mirror telling her how much you appreciate her support throughout exam time so that when she is brushing her teeth or applying her makeup, you will make her day. Their multi uses make them so versatile.

Let’s help you with a snippet of this useful stationery pack to add to your kit.
While we are all used to cutting and pasting virtually on our mobile phones, laptops and such electronic devices, this is the origin of the concept which is not defunct.
For several reasons we need a pair of scissors and a glue stick.
What’s particularly helpful about these Bostik packs is that the pair of scissors may be used with equal ease by left and right-handed people.
Besides using this pack for handicraft hobbies and a host of other home and office uses, we are focusing of how and where you can use this for your exam preparation as well as within the exam venue. School assignments that aren’t done on electronic devices always require these useful stationery items.
Doing some handicraft hobbies in your downtime when taking study breaks is a healthy way to relax.
Don’t forget to ensure that you have this useful pack with you for the subjects that will require them. You may require them while writing your maths, science, geography and art and design exams. The glue stick bonds to most porous materials like card, crepe, tissue paper, foil, cellophane, photocopy paper and cork.
Use this useful tape to correct changes neatly.
Correction tape is a great alternative to correction fluid. It isn’t messy and you don’t need to wait for it to dry. It gives your work a much neater appearance and presentation when handing in your exam paper.
Once you have covered the mistake with the tape, you can write on it immediately. No time is wasted.
Remember to take this to your exams with you.

Check your stationery pack the day before your exam to ensure that you have all the stationery that you will require. Don’t wait until the last minute and get yourself into an anxious panic when you discover that you aren’t adequately armed with all you need. Being prepared for exams is more than equipping yourself with the knowledge.
Make yourself a checklist and give yourself enough time to replace what you may have run out of.
Make sure that your stationery requirements are on your checklist.
Good luck and know that Bostik products are there to help you from getting into a sticky situation.