Main countries
  • 3-5 YEAR OLDS
  • Eco



There are no templates for this super easy project, because perfection is overrated. 

Step 1: Cut and cover

Cover your bottle using coloured card and Glu Tape. To create your wings, cut a triangle. Fold the edge and attach using Glu Tape. 

Cut out a propeller.


The bottle cap will secure your propeller, so make it slightly smaller than the cap so it does not slip over. 

Step 2: Create your windows

Create your windows – cut and paste or use Blu Tack® Colour. You could even model passengers waving! 

Level up

Make your plane more detailed with a tail and engines.

Step 3: Fly away

Add Glitter Glue if desired, to decorate. Once you've added your details, you're done!