How do you get Blu Tack® out of hair / clothes / carpet?

How do you get Blu Tack® out of hair / clothes / carpet?

HAIR: Pour a decent amount of baby oil onto the area where the Blu Tack® is stuck. Work the baby oil into the Blu Tack, but don't try and pull it out yet! Leave the baby oil to soak in for about 5 minutes, then you should be able to pull the Blu Tack® out.

CLOTHES: Try freezing the Blu Tack® to scrape as much off as you can, then dab any remaining with a cotton ball dipped in vegetable oil.

CARPET: Trodden on Blu Tack® can really stick. Remove it by heating the area with a hairdryer - warmed up Blu Tack® is easier to pry off. Still needs work? Blot it with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of washing-up liquid and 1 cup of warm water.