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60 new results
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How do moisture absorbers work?

Bostik Breathe moisture absorber works by absorbing water molecules in damp air as moisture passes through the device.Bostik Breathe is a dual tablet system providing up to 33% more absorption than…
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How many moisture absorbers do I need and when should I use them?

With the Bostik Breathe dehumidifier, one housing unit will cover an area of up to 25m2. Our moisture absorber is suitable for all interior spaces including bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms, wardrobes,…
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Do I need to replace my dehumidifier regularly?

Bostik Breathe is a reusable dehumidifier and will function effectively for years when regularly replaced with dehumidifier refill tablets. Refills last up to 4 months depending on the humidity…
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Are moisture absorbers toxic?

No - Bostik Breathe is a non-electric dehumidifier consisting of a dye-free, fragrance-free formula that uses only the essentials to remove moisture from the home.
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Where can I buy Blu Tack®?

Buy Blu Tack® online through our Amazon brand store or via any major retailer. See our list of stockists
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Why is Blu Tack® blue?

Blu Tack® was originally white but consumer research at the time showed concerns that children may mistake it for chewing gum, so blue colouring was added, giving it its household name.
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What colours does Blu Tack® come in?

Bostik Blu Tack® is available in four colours: original blue, pink, white and grey.
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How much weight can Blu Tack® hold?

0.5 grams of Blu Tack® will hold an approximate 105 gram load, but Bostik Blu Tack® is not designed to hold heavy objects.
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What surfaces can I use Blu Tack® on?

Blu Tack® performs best on non-porous surfaces e.g. painted surfaces, glass, metal etc. Do not use on recently decorated surfaces or absorbent, silk-screen printed or hand stencilled wallpaper.
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How to remove Blu Tack® from carpet?

Blu Tack® sometimes gets dropped and pressed into the carpet. You can easily remove it by firstly, removing as much as possible by hand. Then, grab an additional piece of Blu Tack® and press it into…

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